Everyone has an opinion about Seodi White, just like everyone has an opinion about any outspoken woman. It is probably not a Seodi thing nor is it a woman thing, everyone just has an opinion about anybody who is outspoken. We have our opinions about Donald Trump, Julius Malema or Bon Kalindo, the fact that we often run into these flamboyant personalities in the media allows us to form opinions about them even when these opinions are not based on fact or truth, and sometimes these opinions keep us from seeing the value they offer.

You can hardly talk about women’s rights in Malawi without mentioning Seodi White. With a career in legal advocacy spanning over two decades, Seodi has made indelible social impact. From her beautiful home in a Blantyre Suburb, Seodi talks to UNRIVALED about the contribution she has made in Malawi.
She shares about her contribution for working class women in Malawi where she was a part of changing the Employment Act with regard to the duration of maternity leave. Her part in changing the legal definition of who a child is and thereby making any sexual activity with anyone under the age of sixteen statutory rape. She also discusses her role in changing the Malawi Deceased Estates Act and finally her role in the drive for the Malawi Public Sector Reform.
The scope of her impact has been vast, and one that UNRIVALED felt compelled to archive and make publicly available as a celebration of an iconic Malawian woman in this year’s Women’s History Month. See our full conversation with Seodi on our Youtube channel https://youtu.be/nIdyD60umvg.
Thank you for a great interview!